Educating providers in dysfunctional reflexes

We specialize in teaching medical professionals about primitive reflexes. A primitive reflex is a specific motor pattern in reaction to a sensory stimulus. The stimulus and reaction are carried from the peripheral nerves in the body up to the brain to be processed. Development and posture are attained naturally through the progression of allowing baby to move against gravity in tummy time into rolling, army crawling, transitioning into sitting, crawling, and then finally standing/walking. When reflexes emerge and integrate on time, development is meeting all milestones including sensory, motor, language, emotional regulation and cognitive tasks. Over a lifetime reflexes work for us to make life easy. The more reflexes integrated for the adult the less they have to think about their daily life and the more they get to live it!

What we teach

You will learn what a primitive reflex looks like and then what to do when that reflex is dysfunctional. Structures and tissues often entrap nerves, we allow you to use your clinical applications to allow for freedom of function for the nerve and in turn the reflex. If you have taken other reflex classes in the past, our courses will greatly enhance your current understanding.